Blog Introduction
Company News 20.03.2012

In the last year we had a website relaunch, this year we have launched a mobile webversion for smartphones and now we present a own coporate blog!
Why do we need a blog? As a traditional family-run company, we’ve simply got a lot to say and a fair bit of expertise. In addition there are quite a few things, which would be a shame simply to post briefly on Facebook or Twitter. They are just right for our blog.
The blog is based on WordPress and customised with some of the templates from our corporate design concept. The design was created in-house. Realisation of the blog and indeed our website was outsourced to the online agency Green-M in Leipzig. We would like to thank them for their excellent work.
In terms of content the blog is divided into the following categories:
General Stuff
As the title suggests, this can include any number of things – for example, announcements, competitions or K&M info.
Product Know-How
This is where you’ll find the subcategories “Product Videos” and “Intern Know-How”. The videos of some of our highlight products are also in the blog. Articles about specific interesting products or products which need a bit of explanation come under the Expertise section. To begin there will be a posting on the multiple uses for our table clamp.
We are also looking for product comparisons and test reports from newspapers and music platforms & co.
Our Endorsers
This category has articles on events, happenings and news to do with the bands and artists we support.
Music Business
This is the section for issues currently affecting the industry. For example, social media which are going to be more and more important for bands and musicians. The category “Social Media for Bands & Artists” will start off with the interviews from the “Our Endorsers & Social Media” series.
Web Findings
This is our collection of finds, frequently from YouTube. They might be directly or indirectly to do with König & Meyer, for instance the cult video “Thank God it’s König & Meyer” – a cool remake of “It’s Raining Men”. But there will also be some videos which are only indirectly to do with us, for example the fun Extreme Folding Music Stands.
Our blog founder and author is Jochen Erbacher, who is responsible for online marketing at König & Meyer. He is supported by Sandra Scholtz. The target for the future is all our employees from all areas of the company have chance to contribute.
In addition we would be delighted to receive contributions from guest authors! Especially for the “Music Business” category. So if you are looking to publish an article, don’t think twice, just send your ideas to!
It’s still early days for our blog and we will be looking to carry not only articles and content, but to build in a few other features or plugins. We wish you lots of fun with our blog and we are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions!
Have fun reading, commenting and sharing.