Dairy: 1st day at the Musikmesse Frankfurt.

Messe-News 06.04.2011
Sandra Scholtz

Today the musikmesse in Frankfurt has started.
The 40 König & Meyer employees went by bus – our departure: 6:45 this morning.
Nearly all employees are experienced, because they already have often been at the musikmesse. So everyone knows what to do and where: There’s our main booth C 39 in hall 3.0. There are the most area sales managers and you find our new products there.
Our second booth is at the Prolight + Sound: booth B 31 in hall 6.1.
Then we have a little booth in the keyboard hall. Here you find all keyboard stands and benches and of course the »SPIDER PRO« and the »Omega«. At 9 o’clock the doors at the musikmesse opened. Until Saturday you can visit the musikmesse from 9 until 18 o’clock.

The first hours in the morning it was calm, but  then more and more visitors has arrived. So the acoustic level has increased.
At our main booth are a lot of visitors, customers and there was also the team from drumsolos.tv and guitarsolos.tv. They have made a video of Michael Wamser, our product manager who has presented the new products – for example the 4-guitar-stand »Roadie«.
At 12 o´clock “Noch ne Band” played at Agora Stage. The members of the young rock band are also endorsed by us. So the band was at our main booth this afternoon.

To get some impressions of our day we´ve load up some pictures.

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