Die Happy – happy about Facebook & Co.
Endorser News 20.03.2012

…include singer Marta Jandová and her longtime companions, Guitarist Thorsten Mewes, Bassist Ralph Rieker and Drummer Jürgen Stiehle.
Die Happy have been in the music business for a long time. They have released seven albums since winning the “Baden Württemberg rocks” competition in 1998. Their latest album was released in September 2010.
Social media is certainly a must for such a successful band. The band is active on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Like many others, Die Happy set up a profile on MySpace many years ago. According to them, however, this platform is now considered to be “out.” Facebook is now where it’s at, used by virtually everyone. That’s why they are the most visible on this platform. Die Happy mainly uses YouTube to stream their videos and Twitter, the networking and microblogging site, to send messages to their band website. Their website contains exclusive content that cannot be found via their other channels. This is a very important strategy for them as it keeps fans coming back to their site, especially since the merchandise shop is there.
Band members work together to maintain their Facebook and Twitter presence. This keeps them all up-to-date on the shared content. Bassist Ralph is responsible for the website – they all take turns writing the weekly EVERY MONDAY entries. They need to spend 10 min. every day on average to maintain their online presence.
Regarding the opportunities and advantages of social media, they value the direct contact with fans. Other pluses include the quick and easy dissemination of info/news as well as the opportunity to promote new albums, merchandise and tours. They also believe social media is a very important tool for influencing your name recognition and image in a positive way. The band also thinks it is a good way to publish video clips.
Finally, Die Happy consider their Facebook profile more as a source of communicating one way with fans, even though people can post on their wall. For them it is especially important to be able to send information via the social networks.
We want to thank our longtime endorsement partner Die Happy for their answers and here is a link to their artist profile on our website: http://www.k-m.de/en/bandsundkuenstler/diehappy