Even in difficult times we are here for you!
Firmennews 26.03.2020

The current development of the COVID-19 pandemic presents us with unprecedented challenges. Reducing or slowing down the spread of the coronavirus is a top priority worldwide.
We have implemented various measures within the company to ensure the safety of our employees and fellow human beings, minimize disruptions to our supply chain and support our customers across the board. Wherever possible, we work from our home office and can be reached via all media. We have also converted our production and distribution center to a strictly separated shift system. We have introduced additional hygiene measures for everyone whose presence is required in the company. This enables us to keep our company running without losing sight of the safety and health of our employees.
We would also like to assure you that we can continue to offer you the reliable service you are used to including an excellent availability of our products from stock.
Support the music trade, musicians and artists worldwide now:
Our trading partners need stability and support right now to continue to have a perspective. Some music shops now offer special services such as “contactless delivery” and special promotions. Look for them on the social media channels and music store websites. They look forward to your online visit.
We are convinced: Together we will survive this crisis. Stay safe and take care of your loved ones.
Gabriela König