Gabriela König Elected to NAMM Board of Directors
Company News 21.02.2014

Manufacturing CEO will serve three-year term helping to guide the global music product industry
Carlsbad, CA (February 5, 2013) – At its Annual Meeting of Members held during the 2014 NAMM Show, the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Board of Directors welcomed lauded CEO Gabriela König as one of its new members elected to a three-year term. König is one of eight music-industry professionals joining the Board this year. The NAMM Board of Directors provides guidance and leadership to its membership, and to the music instrument and product industry.
As the Chief Executive Officer of König & Meyer, manufacturer of music stands, microphone stands, benches, lighting stands and other performance accessories for stage and studio, König oversees the operations of the 270-employee company which manufactures products sold in more than 80 countries around the world. Located in Wertheim, Germany, König & Meyer will celebrate 65 years in the music stand business this fall.
König brings to the Board her commitment to ensuring NAMM’s expansion into the increasingly global market. “Music is an important cultural and economic factor. For me as a European representative in the committee it is important to expand the global orientation of NAMM and to help to coordinate the international activities in the music industry,” she said. König’s further goals on behalf of the music-products industry include welcoming new NAMM members to the fold. “The promotion of educational programs for people of all ages, particularly seniors as a growing target group, is a significant focus.”
König is on the advisory board of Musikmesse Frankfurt, and a member of SOMM (Society of Music Merchants) and BDMH (Association of the Manufacturers of Music Instruments) in Germany. She is a member of the Lions Club in Werrheim, and a member of the Wertheim Town Council. “I am very happy about the appointment to the NAMM Board of Directors. I appreciate what NAMM has accomplished since its foundation in 1901, particularly its dedication to actively promoting music making, strengthening the industry’s competitiveness across all market sectors, and helping to shape the political and legal framework inside the industry. I look very much forward to working together with the other Board members in the next three years.”
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