H-Blockx – a band in business for 20 years…
Endorser News 20.05.2012

…and now such a new-fashioned thing like social media?!
The next article of our social media serial delivers insights of how the H-Blockx – our endorser who was among others our guest at Musikmesse Frankfurt 2008 – use Facebook & Co.
Read which social media channels the band uses and what they think about diverse platforms:
We use Facebook and Twitter. Since 2011 there is the official H-Blockx Facebook page and the Twitter account.
- Up to our last album MySpace has been involved, but now this social network isn´t anymore on the road to success and it won´t be. So there isn´t a central point to present our music currently.
- Lot of users get to know new bands via YouTube, but that doesn’t make any sense to us. Facebook stands for other things.
We think Soundcloud could be important in the future. - Since we had a low-pressure time (before we will rock on this year!) we rarely use Facebook and send some tweets before and after concerts.
How the band thinks about the role of their website:
The site contains the basis information of the band and otherwise it lies idle.
- When the next album well be released, simultaneous there will be a website relaunch.
- The website gets on with the artwork of the album and it bundles the activities of the social media channels.
Who cares for the internet channels and activities:
- Most time it´s Henning and Steffen, but the responsibilities are shared within the band.
- Some announcements are made by the management.
- Each week we need approx. 30 minutes.
Read the H-Blockx´s preferences and opportunities of using Facebook & Co.:
- The easy way to transmit and share content
- The promotion of albums, merchandise or a tour
- The publishing of videoclips
- To provide a community to the fans
- The direct contact with fans, communicating and interacting
- To place advertising and enlarge popularity
The H-Blocks say concretely about themselves and their activities on Facebook:
We like to spin out prize drawing, quizzes or competitions via the social media
- We try to realize ideas or suggestions of the fans
- All comments are welcome and we try to answer the questions of fans
We thank our endorser for the information!