Instrument stand for a very big tuba
Company News 09.05.2011

t's not very often that you will see this kind of instrument!
You find this big tuba in the museum in Markneukirchen, to be precise in a room of the „Gerber-Hans-Haus“, which belongs to the museum.
The official handover of the tuba to the music-instrument museum will be in May 2012.
At that time the international days of music will take place.
Within these days there will be a “concert for the big tuba and the orchestra”. A special music composition will unify the tuba player Jörg Wachsmuth and the brass orchestra of Markneukirchen in a perfect way.
The photos show the tuba stand which was developped especially for this tuba by König & Meyer. This stand enables the musician to play this unique instrum
Prof. Jörg Wachsmuth an der Tuba,
Fotos von Frank Fickelscherer-Faßl