König & Meyer Contest – Stands For Your Music
Contests 01.12.2010

Are you a musician? Do you play solo, in a duo or with a band; are you in a choir, church choir or an orchestra?! Would 500 euro to spend on quality music accessories be useful?
If you like the sound of that and want to enter our competition click on the Facebook link and simply upload a photo of yourself as musician or your band or your fellow musicians. Submit your name and a few words about yourself/yourselves and why you deserve to win or absolutely need to win! The deadline is 31.01.11.
After that you and all visitors to our site have four weeks to vote for your favourite candidate. The three participants with the most votes win. There is a gift voucher worth 300 euro for the second place winner and 150 euro for the third place. The gift vouchers can be spent at König & Meyer. The winner of first place will be the happy recipient of 500 euro to spend on music accessories of their choice! Any König & Meyer product may be chosen!
The winner will be notified via the facebook fan page and the company website.
All musicians are welcome to enter. Simply click on www.facebook.com/KoenigundMeyer