Musicians & Social Media – we´ve asked our endorsers
Endorser News 20.03.2012

After reading an article about how musicians, including stars like Lady Gaga, Rhianna or Eminem, make social media work for them, we thought it would be interesting to conduct a survey among our endorsers about Facebook & Co., too.
Since social media feeds are integrated in every artist profile on our website, we knew that most of our endorsers are pretty active on the social web. So we surveyed our partners and also received quite a few interesting and helpful replies. In recent months we published several articles on “our” bands and musicians featuring how they use social platforms, what they see as their benefits and the role their website plays.
Check out these reports about our endorsers’ life with Facebook & Co.
What’s more, we have summed up some interesting results from all the replies for you.
Most of our endorsers have been active on social platforms for several years. Half of them named MySpace as the community which they used to dip into the web 2.0 world. However this platform has fallen into oblivion, either due to stagnating features or the surprising rise of the multi-functional platform Facebook.
Anyway, everyone uses Facebook now, and the majority says that it is also the most important platform, followed by Twitter, for short and fast status updates and Youtube, mainly for streaming their own video clips.
The surveyed artists consider the following items to be some of the main benefits and possibilities of Facebook & Co.:
1. Direct contact with fans and enjoyment of communication and interaction
This is also shown by the results (percentage of surveyed musicians) in the following chart:
2. Spreading news and information
This is fast and easy – and promoted by viral effects in social networks.
3. Publicizing and putting own videos online
4. Image cultivation and control as well as support in boosting popularity
Almost all of our bands maintain and take care of their accounts themselves and spend several hours a week doing this. So it is not surprising that almost two thirds of the endorsers say that the whole band always knows the shared content:
There were different opinions about the significance of the website. Well over half view it as a main tool, the most important contact point for fans or as an online mother ship. The website has all the content on it – photos, videos, information, reports – or in some cases you´ll find only there some exclusive content. So the posts in the social media channels mostly provide links to the website. On the other hand, 20% stated that their website mainly consists of social media feeds, and 25% stated that their website only contains basic information about the bands but does not have any updates.