TRUCK STOP pull over at K&M
Endorser News 23.10.2008

When the “Cowboys der Nation”, known and loved by all country and western fans, gave a live concert at the 16th Westernfest in Nassig-Forest. They didn’t miss the opportunity to visit König & Meyer in Wertheim, only 8 km away.
In keeping with the adage “professionals need professional accessories” the likeable Northeners have been trusty users of König & Meyer’s products for many a year. Now keen to have a “live” tour of the manufacturing process, Cisco, Lucius, Teddy, Uwe, Knut and Dirk took out time from their tight schedule.
Technical manager Heiko Wolz led the Cowboys, who incidentally all but one appeared without cowboy hat and boots, on a tour through all departments accompanied by curious glances from K&M’s staff, delighted to see their famous visitors. Heiko Wolz had many sophisticated questions to answer and surprised the Truck Stop group by the often complex path from raw materials to finished K&M product. Umpteen components and umpteen steps are frequently involved in getting an original K&M product as far as the shipping stage. Much interest and amazement was expressed at the manufacturing processes and machine park with the group throwing in the occasional humorous remark including improvement suggestions.
We couldn’t let the easy going country band leave without a final chat and then it was time to be “on the road again” until the next time.