Visit us at the musikmesse & celebrate our 60th anniversary
Company News 05.03.2009

This year the Federal Republic of Germany is celebrating its 60th anniversary – and so is König & Meyer. And both are success stories, driven in each case by the constant striving for innovation an ongoing development.
We cordially invite you to see and see our broad range of products, including our latest innovations, at the musikmesse and prolight+sound in Frankfurt, from April 01 to 04, 2009. This year, we proudly present the Band Aloha From Hell. The band members will sign autographs on Saturday, April 04th at 2.00 pm at our booth (Hall 3.0 C 39).
Our Booths: musikmesse Hall 3.0 C 39, prolight+sound Hall 4.1 D 41
Show Hours: Wednesday to Saturday (April 01 – 04, 2009) 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.