Win tickets for the Musikmesse Frankfurt
Company News 23.03.2011

From 06. – 09. April we´ll be at Musikmesse Frankfurt!
We give you the chance to be there, too! Four people have the chance to win a day ticket via twitter and facebook!
So who will come to the Musikmesse – or who still needs a ticket?
Tell us why you want to visit the Musikmesse Frankfurt: König & Meyer Fanpage
All comments have the chance to win! On Monday (28.03.) we will draw two tickets!
That´s not enough? All twitter users also have the chance to win the other two day tickets! They just have to twitter the following tweet:
I want to visit the @KoeniguMeyer_en booth #3.0C39 at the Musikmesse Frankfurt.
On Monday there will be the drawing – all retweets have the chance to win!